Dear patients, my wife and I welcomed the birth of our daughter last week! While I am not taking full paternity leave, please be advised that I will have reduced availability in the coming weeks.
If your medical need is non-urgent, (like a physical or routine follow up), please delay those appointments until at least October. If it can safely wait, please wait, so that I can maximize time with my family.If you have a more urgent need like a sick-visit, go ahead and schedule the appointment or message me on Spruce to find a mutually agreeable time for your appointment.There may be the rare occasion where I simply am not available for a timely appointment, and you will need to go to an urgent care clinic for proper medical attention.I am continuing to monitor patient messages, but may be more delayed in responding than usual, as I tend to my own family.Dr. Duane is helping to monitor my inbox for any test results that you may be expecting. If you feel that your results should already be available to you, please either message Dr. Duane on the portal or call my assistant Diane to check the inbox for your results.Thank you for understanding and all of your prayers and well-wishes!Dr. Haden